Investing Advice From My High School Self
Submitted by Moneywatch Advisors on December 8th, 2020When I was a freshman in High School I wanted to invest in the stock market. I, of course, had no idea what that really meant or how to do it, but it seemed interesting to me. Now remember, the stock market wasn’t nearly as accessible as it is today. Because of that, my parents equated the stock market to something akin to three-card monte in Times Square, so they told me I could invest when I had saved $1,000 from my paper route. If I had invested my hard-earned $1k into the “stock market” as measured by the S&P 500 then (1979), it would have grown to $93,050 as of the end of 2019. And, get this, if I had added just $500 each year to that initial $1,000 investment, the total would now be $476,597. Holy compound earnings, Batman!